P&D Operations – Disputed Delivery Cases
10th September

By: Groundmetrx
P&D Operations – Disputed Delivery Cases
The objective of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Pickup & Delivery (P&D) Disputed Deliveries(DD Cases) is to effectively resolve delivery disputes for both the customer and FedEx Ground. Disputed deliveries refer to those shipments that a Contracted Service Provider (CSP) driver has reportedly completed, but the customer contests or claims non-receipt. The primary aim is to engage with the customer or claimant to assist in pinpointing the package’s location. This involves helping to locate the package or, if unsuccessful, determining if the package is lost or stolen.
Many DD Cases are the result of:
1. The driver releasing to the FRONTDOOR, but leaving the package at another location at the address without a door tag
2. Misdeliveries
Gathering Disputed Delivery Cases
You can obtain disputed delivery cases from two sources: the terminal may print them out and place them in your mailbox at the terminal; secondly, you can retrieve them directly from the MGB system. Pulling the disputed delivery cases directly from MGB is recommended for efficiency and timeliness.
Terminal Printouts:
Coordinate with your terminal’s Pickup & Delivery (P&D) Manager to locate the terminal mailboxes and determine which one is assigned to you. Clarify that you intend to check this mailbox daily for critical items and request that they print and deposit any disputed delivery cases in your mailbox for your review.
My Ground Biz(MGB):
This method is preferred for accessing disputed delivery cases as it eliminates the potential for human error associated with terminal employees needing to print the documents. Utilize the provided step-by-step instructions to download the disputed delivery cases directly from the MGB platform.
- Go to MGB Click HERE
- Login using FedEx ID and Password
- Navigate to the search bar and enter “Disputed Delivery Cases.”
- Select as outlined in the photo to the right.
- Then click the “Download” button to the right of the chart. Indicated in the image below.
Resolving Disputed Delivery Cases
Once all information for a DD case has been obtained, we can start investigating the case.
Contact the Customer:
Reach out to the customer through a phone call or a personal visit to gather information and understand what transpired with the delivery. This direct communication can provide valuable insights into the situation and help resolve the matter efficiently.
Check Around the Home:
Encourage the customer to inspect the surroundings of their home for the package thoroughly. The driver might have often placed it in a less conspicuous location that the customer still needs to check, such as the side or back door. This step can quickly resolve the issue if the package is left in an unexpected spot.
Check with the Neighbor:
Instruct the customer or driver to revisit the delivery location and inquire with the neighboring homes immediately to the right, left, and directly across the street to ascertain if the package was mistakenly delivered to one of them. Occasionally, the driver might have delivered the package to an incorrect address, and checking with the neighbors can often resolve the issue promptly.
Utilize Your Resources:
If the delivery truck is equipped with GPS, you can cross-reference the timestamp of the disputed delivery with the truck’s GPS data to ascertain the exact location where the driver scanned the package. If the GPS data indicates that the package was scanned near the customer’s address, it strongly suggests that it was delivered there. Conversely, suppose the GPS shows that the truck was significantly distant from the customer’s home at the time of scanning. In that case, a driver should be dispatched to the GPS-indicated location to investigate and possibly recover the package from where it may have been incorrectly delivered.
Submit Findings to FedEx Ground:
After collecting all pertinent information and concluding the outcome of the Disputed Delivery (DD) case—whether the package was located or confirmed as lost—ensure that you document your findings meticulously. Subsequently, forward this documentation to the terminal, opting for either email or a printed submission. If you are utilizing GroundMetrx to manage your DD Cases, refer to the comprehensive guide on using GroundMetrx. This guide includes instructions for downloading a PDF report of your findings, which can be emailed directly to the terminal.